How it works

Taking the first step to ask for help can be hard. Let us help.

Members who have the All In coin can simply slide it forward towards another member and the conversation is initiated. The recipient of the coin slide can be an active listener or start the conversation if need be.
The coin can also be presented to a friend or family member.

Who We’ve Included

The big 4 – Police, Military, Fire, and EMS.
As well as;
Retirees & Veterans,
Corrections Officers,
Conservation Officers,
Border Patrol,
Bylaw & Peace Officers,
Doctors of all Titles,
Task Force Teams,
Search & Rescue,
Mountain Rescue,
Public Safety,
Ski Patrol,
Emergency Operations Pilots,
Industrial Rescue Teams,
Coast Guard,
Tow Truck Drivers,
Child Services,
and what we like to call “the Hidden Hero's” – Therapists, Social Workers, Counsellors, Chaplain’s, Funeral Directors and those Help Line Operators we hope we never have to call.


Suggested Operating Guidelines (S.O.G) ******REVIEW & REVISE OFTEN!!!******

We know that this SOG will evolve as the culture, stigma and agencies change and evolve.

1.  Members of the participating Agency will be given the ALL IN coin.
Can be used at anytime you feel it’s necessary.

2.  It will be taken seriously and is NOT to be used for beer currency (Quite often Agencies do this - A fun way to use the coin but drinking can be a vice for some!)

3.  It represents Understanding & Non Judgement.

4.  It’s to be used when ever we feel a struggle to open a conversation about seeking help. Regardless if the help needed stems from work or of a personal matter.

5.  To be slid across the table towards a member, recognition of full attention is understood between both parties.

6.  What can I do?, As the recipient you are encouraged to start the conversation - you can ask ie:

•    On a scale of 1-10 where are you at?…(1 being on the low end - 10 being suicidal)

•    What Conditions have you been facing?,

•    What have your Actions been recently?,

•    Do you need to go see Dr.?, Would it help I f I come with you?

•    Do you just need me to listen?,

•    Do you feel suicidal?, Have you thought about it? Do you have a plan?, Do you have the means to carry out the plan? Have you had any thoughts of hurting yourself or others?

7. This coin does not have to be carried at all times, a photo texted will suffice to achieve point #4

8. Coin carriers should have the local suicide prevention support line, peer support and/or other crisis resource management numbers close at hand. (ie; Text 686868)

9. Integrity & Honour - Full confidentiality must be adhered to between users of the program UNLESS there is serious potential for someone to harm themselves.

10. Or the coin doesn’t have to be presented to anyone - It can also act as a “check in” for yourself. Blue side up “tough day - but I’m good (go to the gym, go for a hike, bike ride, see a friend or write in a journal)”, Red side up “I need to talk to someone or I need to do what I normally do (that’s healthy) to help support myself during this time”